官方夫人. Doubtfire Tour of San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
《夫人》场景. Doubtfire at the pool, which was filmed at the Claremont

“夫人. Doubtfire" Tour of San Francisco

Embark on a journey through San Francisco with this 夫人. 双火之旅,参观拍摄地点和向罗宾·威廉姆斯致敬的地方.

San Francisco has been the backdrop for many 心爱的电影,但很少有人能像“夫人. Doubtfire.这部1993年的喜剧由已故的罗宾·威廉姆斯主演,展示了他非凡的喜剧天赋,并突出了贝博体彩app一些最具标志性的地点.

“夫人. Doubtfire” tour of San Francisco is more than a walk down memory lane; it's a tribute to Robin Williams's humor and big heart. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to “夫人. Doubtfire”'s magic, 这些网站提供了一种独特的方式,通过它最珍贵的电影之一和当地人才的镜头来体验这座城市.

Filming locations in San Francisco

Many of these famous locations are easy to pick out, like the Golden Gate Bridge, iconic 缆车, and other historic 地标性建筑. 这里有一些在贝博体彩app的顶级拍摄地点,开始你的旅行! 

Crissy Field

Between Fort Point and Marina Green

This famous location in San Francisco's 要塞 is where the montage of family fun in the city was filmed. Playing soccer and riding bikes is common in this area, not just for the Hillard family, but also for many locals and visitors. 在贝博体彩app这片美丽的草地上享受阳光明媚的一天, 一个海滩, and stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge. Also, be sure to check out the new 隧道顶部公园它占地14英亩,连接着普雷西迪奥和克里西球场.


丹尼尔’s Apartment

520-522 Green St.

In 北海滩, Robin Williams’s character, 丹尼尔, finds his own apartment, 在书中,他努力证明自己可以成为孩子们稳定的父母. It’s here that 丹尼尔, half-disguised as 夫人. Doubtfire, 他试图说服一名社会工作者,他已经完成了她交给他的所有任务——同时他脸上还涂满了鲜奶油,以掩盖自己的行为痕迹. Take a selfie outside and say, “Helloooo!”

《夫人》场景. Doubtfire电影 where her face is covered in whipped cream.

The Hillard House


电影中最知名的地点之一是希拉德家. Located in the picturesque Pacific Heights neighborhood, this house served as the exterior of the family’s residence. Fans of the film will remember the memorable scenes of 夫人. Doubtfire’s comical entrances and exits. While it's now a private residence, 你仍然可以在街上拍照,欣赏捕捉贝博体彩app精髓的美丽建筑.

The exterior of the Hillard Family Home located in SF

Powell-Hyde Cable Car

联合广场 to Fisherman's Wharf

没有一部在贝博体彩app拍摄的电影或电视节目是不完整的 缆车. The actual Cable Car line runs from 联合广场 to Fisherman's Wharf, but with a bit of Hollywood magic, 在电影的几个片段中,他们改变了这个有着150年历史的系统的方向. 

《夫人》场景. Doubtfire when they were on the Cable Car

The San Francisco Chronicle


前往市中心的米申街901号,丹尼尔面试的场景就是在那里拍摄的. 《贝博体彩app纪事报》宏伟的故居代表了丹尼尔努力平衡工作和家庭生活的喧嚣. 城市的这一区域不断发展,现在有一个充满免费公共艺术的新公园供您探索. Be sure to check out the 风挡板 艺术装置,在晚上5点照亮公园.

Filming locations in 东湾

While the movie is set entirely in San Francisco, many 东湾 locations, including historic hotels and infamous restaurants, were also used in the film; here are the top spots across the bay. 

Bridges Restaurant


“Help is on the way!” Take a short drive out of the city to Danville to visit Bridges Restaurant, the site of one of the film’s most hilarious scenes. 这是丹尼尔试图同时处理两场晚餐的地方:一场是与家人共进晚餐. Doubtfire, and another with his boss, as himself. The restaurant still welcomes diners today, 提供了一个机会,在罗宾·威廉姆斯的喜剧天赋得到充分展示的地方吃饭,而且几乎被他的女主角压倒, 莎莉·菲尔德.


The Claremont Club & 水疗中心

41 Tunnel Rd, Berkeley

Nestled in the Berkeley Hills overlooking San Francisco Bay, The Claremont Club & 水疗中心 是一家历史悠久的豪华酒店,自1915年以来一直是湾区的地标. It's here that 丹尼尔, as 夫人. Doubtfire, 与他的家人和前妻的新男友一起游泳,并煽动了臭名昭著的“跑步水果”。. 你可以在这里预订一个晚上,在他们的豪华房间里放松,或者获得一天的通行证,享受游泳池和水疗中心,欣赏贝博体彩app的美景.

Pool scene from the 夫人. Doubtfire电影

Honoring Robin Williams

罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)与贝博体彩app的联系不仅仅是“夫人. Doubtfire.这位演员在贝博体彩app湾区生活了多年,整个城市仍然能感受到他的存在.

Robin Williams Tunnel

当你离开城市时,开车穿过罗宾威廉姆斯隧道,以前被称为沃尔多隧道. 2015年更名, the tunnel is easily recognizable by its rainbow-painted arch, 象征着威廉姆斯丰富多彩的个性和持久的影响. 这条隧道就在金门大桥的北面,从这里可以看到这座标志性建筑的壮丽景色.

Photo of the Robin Williams Tunnel in Marin County

Robin Williams Meadow

罗宾威廉姆斯草地位于金门公园内,是对演员遗产的感人致敬. Originally named Sharon Meadow, 它于2018年更名,以纪念威廉姆斯对娱乐业的贡献和他对贝博体彩app的热爱. 这片草地是一个完美的地方,可以回味他给世界各地无数粉丝带来的快乐.

Photo of Robin Williams Meadow in Golden Gate Park

Where Robin Williams Lived

威廉姆斯在贝博体彩app湾区生活了多年,在多个地方都有自己的家. 最明显的是, he owned a house in the exclusive Sea Cliff neighborhood, known for its luxurious homes, beautifully manicured lawns, and famous residents. He also owned a home in Tiburon, just north of San Francisco. 这个海滨社区是一个探索的好地方,从市中心乘坐渡轮很快就能到达.


Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 他在贝博体彩app生活了10多年,从事旅游工作 & Tourism for over 8 of those. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食!